Two Week Peru Itinerary: Inca Ruins, Beaches, Hikes, Deserts and More!

People often ask me what the best country I’ve visited is. It’s always hard to answer, but more often than not I say Peru. Why is that…? Well, Peru has an incredible variety of landscapes, from snow-capped mountains, turquoise lakes, rolling sand dunes, barren beaches and so much more. There’s something for everyone in Peru, … Read more

Chan Chan and Huaca de la Luna / Huaca del Sol: Desert Ruins in Northern Peru

Desert ruins in northern Peru: Chan Chan

You already know about the Incas and their impressive citadel of Machu Picchu, but have you heard of the Chimú and Moche civilizations? The Moche came first, building and then abandoning their grand city in the desert. The Moche civilization declined, which eventually led to the founding of Chan Chan, the capital of the Chimú empire and once the biggest … Read more